About Us

A Member of the World-Wide Anglican Communion

episcopal_shield.jpgWe are a central church in the City of McKeesport that is committed to making the Mon Valley greater for God than it was for steel (to paraphrase the late Rev. Sam Shoemaker).

We are a biblical community of young and old, white and black, poor and rich. However, we are all equal in the eyes of God as His family. We seek to love one another as Jesus loved us.

Priest in Charge: The Rev. Dr. Moni McIntyre

Vestry: Karen Slobodian (senior warden), John Ochap (junior warden), Lani Temple (clerk), Ethel Balas, Buddy Newman, Jo Pratt, Ed Seddon

Vestry meets second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., unless otherwise advertised, and meetings are open to all members of St. Stephen’s, unless closed by the vestry.

Organist: Georgia Lebedda